Backend Specs

Technical documentation on how I AM HUMAN backend works

The backend for the I-am-human app is built using Node.js deployed to Google Cloud using Firebase-admin and connects to a Supabase database.

Link to our source code on GitHub here.

API Endpoints

Database CRUD Operations API

  • There are 4 endpoints which are pretty much self explanatory : POST /api/select , api/insert , api/delete , api/update

  • This API helps to retrieve and update the supabase database.

  • Request Body

    • /api/insert :

      const { match = undefined, table } = req.body;
    • /api/select :

      const { match = undefined, table } = req.body;
    • /api/update :

      const { match, body , table } = req.body;
    • /api/delete :

      const { match, table } = req.body;
  • Response: The API will respond with the data and any error if there is:

    RESPONSE : { data: [..], error:"" }

is_admin API

  • Endpoint: POST /api/is-admin

  • Request body:

    • const { wallet } = req.body;
  • Response: The API will respond with a boolean value indicating whether the user with the specified ID is a superadmin or not.

  • RESPONSE : { is_super_admin: boolean }

Community Scoreboard API

Endpoint: GET /scoreboard

Checkout scoreboard branch to run the code

This API helps users to fetch data of humans onboarded using a particular community name and vertical.

Query Param: communityName, communityVertical: Mention the name or vertical of the community you want to receive data.

Response: The API will respond with an object containing data which is an array of objects and error which is a string of error message in case any error occurs.

RESPONSE : { data: [..], error:"" }

To help non technical users, we have made our scoreboard API open for community usage, following is the curl you can use to fetch data of humans onboarded using communityName=marketingdao and communityVertical=infrastructure

curl --location 

Installation and Setup

To install and set up the backend for the I-am-human app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub.

  2. Install the required dependencies using NPM.

  3. Set up environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory with the Supabase URL and key.

  4. Start the server.


The backend for the I-am-human app uses the following dependencies:

  • @supabase/supabase-js: A JavaScript client for interacting with the Supabase API

  • body-parser: A middleware for parsing request bodies

  • cors: A middleware for enabling CORS

  • express : A NODE JS backend server library

  • firebase-admin and firebase-functions: Used to host the APP on the firebase cloud functions

Last updated