Smart Contracts

Technical documentation for the Soulbound Smart Contracts

We use a combination of smart contracts in the I-AM-HUMAN ecosystem.

  • I-AM-HUMAN Registry - Provides functionality to blacklist an address, and functionality to recover and/or soultransfer your collection of SBTs

  • I-AM-HUMAN Class - Provides functionality to verify a collection of SBTs belonging to an account and determine if on the whole the collection is enough to provide "is human" status to the account or not.

  • OG SBT - One of our Soul Bound tokens which is minted to a limited amount of original Nearians after they apply for and are approved for it.

  • FV SBT - One of our Soul Bound tokens which is minted to anyone who wishes to, provided that they first get verified with the uniqueness algorithms of the GoodDollar protocol.

Link to our source code on GitHub here.

I-AM-HUMAN is an open platform, and if you wish to add your own SBT we encourage this. The requirement we will look for is that any new SBTs should support verification of one or more traits of "personhood", such as aliveness, uniqueness, and/or "humanness".


Fractal Face Verification



No-knowledge KYC SBT w video selfie



Last updated